Be it resolved that Section 25 of the by-laws of Henry Barnes Lodge, which now reads:

SECTION 25. Life membership may be purchased for the sum of $600.00 (six hundred dollars), which may be paid in one or more payments. The entire fee must be paid by the end of the calendar year in which the life membership is purchased. All money realized from the life membership fees shall be known as the Life Membership Fund, under the direction of the Trustees. The Life Membership Fund is to be maintained as a separate account for bookkeeping and auditing purposes. Only the interest on said fund may be spent by the lodge. All transactions of this account require two signatures.

Be changed, so that it will read:

SECTION 25. Life membership may be purchased at the cost of 20 (twenty) times the current dues, or the number of years left to reach 50 years. The entire fee must be paid by the end of the calendar year in which the life membership is purchased. All money realized from the life membership fees shall be known as the Life Membership Fund, under the direction of the Trustees. The Life Membership Fund is to be maintained as a separate account for bookkeeping and auditing purposes. Only the interest on said fund may be spent by the lodge. All transactions of this account require two signatures.