Companions, On Saturday, February 21st, Jeffries Council conferred the Cryptic Degrees upon Companion George Baker. Thanks to all those Companions who helped in the degree work, especially Companions Doug Bickel, Herman Dean, Stan Simonton, and Danny Coleman. Congratulations to Companion George on taking his next step in his York Rite journey. Our next meeting is Monday April 5th at 7:30 PM. Our inspection will be on Saturday, April 10th, breakfast at 8 AM. We will be conferring the Royal and Select Master degrees at our inspection, which follows the Temple Chapter inspection. We should get started about 10 or 10:30. Hope you can all be there. Lastly, don’t forget your dues, please remit them as soon as possible. Fraternally, Bob Peelman I.M.
Last Updated: 04/13/2004 |