March, 2004
Hopefully the bad weather is behind us. We will be
starting the Masters Project of painting the anti-room and stairways of the
lodge soon. We want to get started before hot weather.
The 28th District Meeting will be held at the Newport
Masonic Temple, Sixth and Park Ave in Newport on May 15th starting at 12:00
Our next monthly breakfast will be Sunday, March 7th from
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM. In spite of the bad weather we had, the breakfast in February
was a success, about 70 people came out and enjoyed the breakfast and
fellowship. But, I would like to see more of our brothers and their families and
friends to join us whenever they can! I personally thank all of those who helped
prepare and serve the breakfast.
We will be having a Country Dinner on March 21st from
12:00 noon until 6:00 PM. Chicken and dumplings, bring your family and friends!
Public invited! Adults $5.00, Children $3.00
Burlis C Dean,
Master 2004
Updated: 04/13/2004