Dora Chapter No. 2, O.E.S.
Anna Lorenz, Worthy Matron
Meeting on the 2nd Friday of each month at 8:00 PM
HAPPY NEW YEAR! The Officers of Dora Chapter hope that you
had a nice Christmas and wish everyone the best for the new year. We hope that
you included a visit to your Chapter, in your New Year's resolutions.
Our December meeting and Christmas party was well
attended. Thank you to all who brought can goods. They were distributed by the
pantry kitchen of East Side Baptist Church (Dayton). Sister Minnie Grubb
and Brother Bobby Crittendon were recognized for their outstanding
service to Dora Chapter. We enjoyed a delicious pizza party, through the efforts
of Sisters Carrie, Amie and Sheri. Thank you to all who made the evening
a success!
Our car wash card sales are going great! The $6.00 card
entitles you to one free ($7.95 value) car wash (Wilder car wash) and ½ price
thereafter. Total card value is over $50.00. All profits are turned in to our
Ways and Means Chairman, Sister Gladys.
We will welcome our Deputy Grand Matron, Sr. Francis
Simpson, and Deputy Grand Patron, Bro Edwin L. Vardiman at our January
9, stated meeting. We will welcome to membership, Karen and Herman
Dean. Refreshments will be furnished by Sister Bernice and Bro.
Don Craft. (Rehearsal for initiation is Sunday, January 4, 1:00 P.M.
following Henry Barnes Lodge Breakfast).
Mark your calendars for January 25. We will have a
Sunday visit with the Ladies of the O.E.S. Home in Louisville. A caravan will be
formed to make sure everyone has a ride who wishes to attend this fun trip.
On February 13, we will celebrate Valentine's Day
and plan for our Spring Rummage Sale. We will be happy to pick-up anything of
value you wish to donate.
---Anna Lorenz, W.M.
Last Updated: 04/13/2004