January, 2004
This is my first message to you! In anticipation to be
elected Master of Henry Barnes Lodge... I would like to thank you in advance for
the honor and privilege to serve you for the year 2004.
I would also like to congratulate the corps of officers
... with their help and dedication I look forward to a happy and successful
year. I will do my best to keep up the tradition that Henry Barnes Lodge has
enjoyed for so many years.
Also I would like to thank Bud Fowler, George Roberts,
Paul Sheldon, and Jimmy Shelden for helping me in delivering the fruit baskets
to the widows and shut-ins.... A Big Thank You!!!!!
The installation of officers will be Jan 3rd...Dinner will
be at 4:00 P.M. and installation to follow... The installing officers will be
Nolan Rose as Installing Officer ... Installing Secretary, Bill Lorenz ...
Installing Chaplain, Billy Scolf ... Installing Marshall, Bobby Crittendon.
The KYCH will honor Br. William Lacey at out stated
meeting on January 13th.
Brethren ...come out and support your officers and Henry
Barnes Lodge.
Burls C Dean,
Master Elect
Updated: 04/13/2004