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Newport Commandery, No. 13
Knights Templar,
Stationed at Newport, Kentucky
Stan Simonton, Commander -- 635-1314
Home Up

David Hoydal  356-8548


      Sir Knights,

     Order of the Red Cross and Order of Malta will be conferred Saturday 1/3/2004. Breakfast 8 a.m.

     Our regular meeting date Monday 1/19/04. Practice at 6:45 p.m.

     The Christmas Observance was very successful. Special thanks to S.K. Bill Lorenz and S.K. Everett Harrison, Covington Commandery, S.K. Danny Coleman. Special thanks also to Judy Monson for providing our music.

     Changes are being discussed by the Grand Commandery for the benefit of all. To find out more information attend our conclave the third Monday every month.

     Be sure to remember the Eye Foundation.

     Sir Knights Present Swords.


Fraternally Yours,
Stan Simonton

Captain General
Robert Peelman  491-9882
Sr. Warden
Mike McDaniel  630-7394
Jr. Warden
Tom Wheeler 635-4056
Bill Lorenz, P.C.  441-2008
Assistant Prelate
Nick Griffin 431-0107
Billy Scolf, P.C.  431-5883
Assistant Treasurer
Leroy Smith, P.C. 491-2798 
Donald Webster, P.C.  472-2204
Assistant Recorder
 Hermann Dean, P.C. 781-0455
Standard Bearer
Bobby Crittendon 441-5346
Sword Bearer
Leonard Liggett  356-5439
Jim Grubbs 689-4596
Captain of the Guard, Instructor
Nolan Rose, P.C. 431-1347
 Leroy Smith, P.C. 491-2798
Jim Kendrick 733-1376
Doug Bickel, P.C. 441-9475

Nolan Rose, P.C. (Sep. Guard)431-1347


Leonard Robinson, Jr. 635-4680
Inspecting Officer

Every Christian Mason Should Be A Knight Templar



Last Updated: 04/13/2004

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